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Step-by-Step Guide: How to Download and Install CachyOS on VirtualBox

Are you eager to explore a new and innovative operating system? Look no further! CachyOS is a promising OS that aims to deliver a smooth an...

Are you eager to explore a new and innovative operating system? Look no further! CachyOS is a promising OS that aims to deliver a smooth and efficient user experience. In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the process of downloading, installing, and setting up CachyOS on VirtualBox, allowing you to explore its features and functionalities in a virtual environment. Let's dive in! 

What is CachyOS? 

CachyOS is an exciting new operating system designed to provide a user-friendly and efficient computing experience. Developed with modern technology and innovation in mind, CachyOS boasts a sleek user interface, optimized performance, and a range of built-in applications. Whether you're a casual user or a tech enthusiast, CachyOS has something to offer for everyone. 


Before we begin, ensure you have the following: 

  • VirtualBox Installed: Download and install the latest version of Oracle VirtualBox from the official website ( 

  • CachyOS ISO: Obtain the CachyOS ISO file from the official website ( Ensure you select the appropriate version for your system architecture (e.g., 64-bit or 32-bit). 

Step 1: Create a New Virtual Machine 

  • Open VirtualBox and click on "New" to create a new virtual machine. 

  • Enter a name for your virtual machine (e.g., CachyOS) and select the appropriate OS type and version (e.g., Linux and Ubuntu (64-bit)). 

  • Allocate memory to the virtual machine. We recommend at least 2GB for smooth performance. 

  • Choose "Create a virtual hard disk now" and select the hard disk file type. For most users, the VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image) option is sufficient. 

  • Allocate disk space for the virtual machine. It's best to provide at least 20GB of space. 

Step 2: Configure Virtual Machine Settings 

  • Select the newly created virtual machine and click on "Settings." 

  • Under the "Storage" tab, click on the empty CD/DVD drive and choose "Choose a disk file." 

  • Browse and select the CachyOS ISO file you downloaded earlier. 

  • Click "OK" to save the settings. 

Step 3: Install CachyOS 

  • Start the virtual machine by selecting it and clicking "Start." 

  • The CachyOS installation process will begin. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the installation. 

  • Choose your language, keyboard layout, and other preferences. 

  • When prompted, select "Install CachyOS" to initiate the installation. 

  • Follow the installation wizard to complete the setup. You may be asked to create a user account and set up the system configuration. 

Step 4: Explore CachyOS 

Congratulations! CachyOS is now installed on your VirtualBox. Take some time to explore its user interface, features, and built-in applications. Get familiar with the system and see how it performs in a virtual environment. 


Downloading and installing CachyOS on VirtualBox provides a risk-free and convenient way to experience this innovative operating system. As you explore CachyOS, you'll discover its unique offerings and potential benefits for your daily computing needs. Whether you're a curious tech enthusiast or simply looking for an alternative OS, CachyOS is worth trying out. 

Please note that while CachyOS provides an exciting experience, it's essential to assess its compatibility with your specific hardware and software requirements. Enjoy your journey into the world of CachyOS and make the most of its features in your VirtualBox environment! 


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